go support my friend, cherxy.coke! they made my pfp and i hope they can carry on making newer versions on my pfp to show their growth as a person and artist comparison post for art improvement
here's their stuff is all here, ily cherry, you have always been there for me <3 /p

go support one of my good friends, sacredhyacinth! they have made my sprites and emotes etc.
they have a comic you should defo check out here,
their carrd and their YT stuff here!
ily elle, your work is so inspiring, i'm so happy i get to work with you so often and just so happy to be able to commission you for art! <3

Ayup! My name is Kit.You can also call me variations of Mystic/Myst, and I am a Non-Binary / Genderqueer, Photographer and Visual Creative!Please use They/Them or my neos. when referring to me.Yes, I am an Trans ENBY (Non-Binary), Chinese, Lesbian/Angled AroAce (Angled Aromatic Asexual / Homoromantic). I'm also autistic and have ADHD.

VO Info

Accent: Midlands British
Microphone: RØDE NT1
Audio Interface: Audient iD4
DAW: Audacity, Adobe Audition
Delivery Method: Discord, Email, Google Drive

my children who i voice

chibi myst art made by Elright2

art credit to - elright2 on twt

- Felicity 'Feli' Mayorga
A Memories Recipe by SiegeYT

MysticFoxyWolf's Bounderies

Common Sense / General Things

- Don’t baby me, infantilize me, speak on my behalf, etc. I just hate being babied-
- Don’t sexualize me, basic as that
(i'm a minor -_-)
- Don’t pry into my personal life, make assumptions etc, I share what I share.
- Not everything my friends do you guys can do, my friends are my friends.

- All of this is very serious and it is simple respect, have common sense guys, it is not that hard to respect others,

- Don't speak on my behalf.- Don't attempt to impersonate me,- If you don't know if it is ok, don't do it.


- I don't like being shipped especially since I am currently taken.

- Don't speculate on my relationships with people in general.

art made by sacredhyacinth

Neurodivergent Traits

- I'm neurodivergent, pretty simple to be honest, I find it hard to focus on things at time.
- PLEASE do not make fun of my loud voice, my inability to hold a conversation topic or being being over ecstatic to talk about certain things.

- I sometimes talk over people and I never mean to but it does take me a second to process other people are talking

Other Things.

- English is not my first language. I will misuse words/misunderstand people because that is just what happens. I will also ask if I'm using the right word for something because I don't like getting things wrong. So don't make fun of me for that- Also I have awful spelling, enjoy :]

Fan content

- I adore all forms of art, cosplay, edits, traditional art, digital art, fan fiction etc. I do prefer stuff of my MC character over myself but do what u want, idc tbh.
- Also I love to see how people perceive my persona so design them how u want :]

- Fine with horror art for chars I roleplay if people want to make that!- Anything "explicit" is a huge no-no, If you see any, just report it and move it, there is no need for that stuff to be spread.

- If you are going to draw me, I'm not bothered if you use my persona or how I look in person. Please don't whitewash me. Just make me slightly tan.

art made by sacredhyacinth


- Don't be weird and comment on my gender expression not aligning with my gender identity whatever. non-binary people don't owe you androgyny.
- I don't mind if people use my face as their pfp as long as they are not impersonating me or start drama.

- Comments like 'You look like insert someone from east asian media' make me feel very uncomfortable.- If I can't change it in 5 secs, don't comment on it. (this applies to anyone, not to just myself)

- This does not just go for me, This goes for all my friends too. Also there is no need to make fun of others food/appearance. Basic human respect mate.

art made by sacredhyacinth


This is just me being proud of my interests. I talk about these often :].


Comfort Characters/
Kin List...

➼ Ivy Pepper (LackaDaisy)
➼ Neil Bowman (All Saints Street)
➼ Lena Sabrewing (Ducktales)
➼ Ash (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
➼ Kylie (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
➼ Kristofferson (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
➼ Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
➼ Catra/Melog (She-Ra)
➼ King Clawthorne (Owl House)
➼ Lilith Clawthorne (Owl House)
➼ Hooty (Owl House)
➼ Emma (63194 || TPN)
➼ Sunset Shimmer (MLP)
➼ Twilight Sparkle (MLP)
➼ Loona (Hellva Boss)
➼ Gigi (Kiki's Delivery Service)
➼ Twig (Hilda)

Comfort Creators...

✰ Jack Manifold ✰
✰ James Marriott ✰
♡ Shubble ♡
♡ Jago ♡
♡ TheOrionSound ♡
♡ LDShadowLady ♡
♡ Eret ♡

♡ JaidenAnimations ♡
♡ TheAmaazing ♡
♡ illymation ♡
♡ Sultan Sketches ♡
♡ Rebecca Parham/Let Me Explain Studios ♡
♡ SomeThingElseYT ♡
♡ Emirichu ♡


james marriott, declan mckenna, ado, sir chloe, jack stauber, iDKHOW, crywank, los campesinos!, peach pit, coco and the lost, the strokes,james marriott, arctic monkeys, lexie carroll, good kid, car seat headrest, soft launch